35 events found.
Latest Past Events
October Meeting
The Riverside Pub 5 Saint George Wharf Hamilton, London SW8 2LE, LondonWe have our monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 11th from 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm GMT. We would love for you to join us in-Person this month as we will be joined by some special guests In-Person all the way from Texas USA! Let's Give Bryan Chaffin - the cofounder of The MacObserver, contributed to MacAddict and MacFormat magazines, and Nancy Gravley ... Read More
Online Membership
June Monthly Meeting
Calthorpe Arms Pub 252 Grays Inn Rd, London, LondonWe have our monthly meeting on Monday, June 13 at 7:30 pm GMT. We will be joined by Paul, the developer of Stratospherix who will give our Mac user group an exclusive preview of a new product In development… This will be a hybrid meeting. Join us upstairs at the Calthorpe Arms Pub, which is just a 10-minute walk from ... Read More