This week the panel of the Brew & Byte Podcast was lucky to be joined by not just one guest but two!
We were fortunate to be joined by fellow Mac User Group Members of the Washington Apple Pi User group, which celebrated its 35th anniversary in 2013, and like the London Mac User group, they have been around longer than most personal computer organizations, and virtually all computer companies. That means that, like us, they share a vast knowledge of what went on before Apple and Macs, and as a well-accomplished user group, we couldn’t wait for them to join us for Episode 22.
This week we delved into the subject that is “Apple Mail”, from looking back at the history of email, what’s next for Mail in macOS Monterey.

The Mac Studio and the Magic Beans – Brew & Byte
You can find out more about the Apple Pi group by visiting their Homepage here or directly on social media via Twitter
More about our guests
Jonathan Bernstein, Pi Board Member & Program Chair, a longtime Pi Board Member. He preceded Roy
Wagner as Pi President. For many years he was a government lawyer, with a Wintel PC at work, and
a Mac at home – never thought that was unusual! For the Pi User Group, he works on programs by securing speakers; manages the Pi’s social media (Facebook and Meetup; Roy handles Twitter), leads the
Afternoon Learners (2nd Thursday meeting), which includes opportunities to vet potential candidates for General Meeting Presentations. He helped pre-pandemic with live streaming events on platforms such as Periscope
and Facebook Live – now Zoom, with streaming to their Pi landing page.
“I’m particularly proud of how we’ve been able to keep Pi members engaged through our entirely virtual Zoom meetings during the pandemic. I manage the Pi’s Meetup Group, help moderate the Pi email group, and
work with our backend mail admin to respond to member-submitted questions. It’s also been a pleasure to help Pi President Roy Wagner move effectively into his role”
Roy Wagner, Pi President. Got his first Apple product, a Mac Plus, way back in 1987 because he
admired the brand and could finally afford to buy one at a reasonable price from his employer at the time. As Murphy’s Law would have it, his future employer required him to use the Microsoft operating system!
However, in 2004, his employer rewarded the staff with iPods, and once again, he fell under the mystique of Apple’s quality design and its user interface. When the Mac Mini came out in 2005, he decided the time and
price was right to switch over to the other side of computing and he then became an Apple Mac “Fan Boy”.
Since then, he has acquired another Mac Mini, two iMacs, a Mac Book, and a Mac Book Pro. When the iPad came out, he decided to get into iPad development, so he was in line waiting in anticipation for the release of the iPad
1 (purchased two), the iPad 2, and then, the iPad 3. He gifted his wife an iPad Mini (1st gen, which he now has) and then a new Mini Retina for her. He also has kept his iPhone current because he considers it more of a camera
than a phone. But there is more! He purchased the first Apple Watch and now has the Series 4 version. He recently retired his late 2013 iMac (actually, it retired on him when its hard drive crashed) and got a new M1 iMac. He is now configuring a new M1 Mac mini for club purposes. With both he is learning to live at, and on the iCloud.
He is now currently the Pi President, where he leads the club with periodic Board meetings, manages the club’s Twitter account, and hosts monthly Zoom meetings. His interest in the iPad led him to create the Mobile Life SIG,
including many early sessions demoing the Apple Watch. He also staffs the Q&A “Table” at their 4th Saturday General Club Meetings.